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UK / LON removal (temporary)

April 13, 2024 at 12:28 PM GMT


Resolved after 109h 30m of downtime. April 18, 2024 at 1:58 AM

Update** LON1 is being restored to the mix. Upstream techs have been able to repair the existing switch (replaced fan). We have monitored the switch for the past 48-hours after fan replacement and has been reliable.

“We observed that the onsite fans were ineffective, but the replacement fan we dispatched has proven successful. At present, the switch seems to be operating reliably, and we’ve been actively monitoring its performance. "


We are temporarily removing LON1 from the anycast mix due to recurring issues with a failing switch.

Upstream techs have assured us the replacement switch is on its way however to prevent further short disruptions we are removing the location temporarily.

Routes to LON will be restored once the new switch is installed.