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UK Migration 04/06 - 05/06

June 4, 2024 at 10:10 AM GMT


Resolved after 39h 40m of downtime. June 6, 2024 at 1:50 AM

Update Routes are live. Migration is complete.

Update Server has been installed in the new DC. Just waiting on some network updates to be made before routes can be made live.

Update Server de-racking has begun. Due to the risk of reboots as fibers are moved we have decided that we will be removing routes until the hazard is cleared. Routes have already been removed in advance of our sever being de-racked.

Our server will be getting physically moved to a new datacenter between these dates. This will help us combat issues observed over the past few months including:

- Increased temperature within the cage our server is in

- Replacement of a failing switch (this has been responsible for a few 5-10s per week interruptions over the past month)

Expected interuption is likely just a couple hours, however depending on when we get scheduled we may restrict routes before / after depending on the availability of our technicians to verify / prepare. We are relying on remote hands and a significant number of servers are being moved during this time so we do not at this stage know our exact time.

We will aim to revise the scheduled time however to reduce the range closer to the event.